About Us
Without you, none of this can happen and we think that is AWESOME!
We are so grateful to have the opportunity you provide us to make a difference in San Diego county. There are so many organizational relationships which have been established and they take time and commitment to develop...we have you to thank for your faithfulness.
One organization in particular which is a good example of our ongoing relationships in the community is the work we do with the American Red Cross. In San Diego County, when there is a home fire, and someone experiences a loss of their home, the Red Cross is almost always the first on the scene sometimes even before the Fire Department leaves. Through our relationship with them, the Rock Church is at the top of their contact list to assist them in providing emotional support, which often happens through our Pastoral Support Teams. This is closely followed by a request for us to partner with the residents to provide immediate resources, to replace those which have been damaged or lost in the fire, and we help by doing this FREE of charge for them. The stories of families you’ve helped by partnering with us are filled with humble gratitude and the hope of restoration.
In case you're asking yourself "HOW CAN I HELP?"
May we please ask you to do three things?
- SHOP – Please continue to shop in and recommend our store. Your generous support continues the good works which have been done.
- DONATE – Please continue to be generous and donate your gently used goods to us. We receive donations at our store daily from 10a-5p.
- SERVE – Will you please consider volunteering with us? Every day, we serve the community in our store and our customers may not know what their purchases help provide.
One parting thought… “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Matt 25:34-36
We are committed to hearing this, and pray you will continue to join us in this work, and that you would hear it for yourself.
Grateful for You,
Rock Church and Thrift Store Team